Zero Waste is the prevention of waste via more efficient use of resources, and the prevention of waste generation by investigating the causes of waste generation. Or, it is minimized, and if the waste is generated, it is collected separately at the source. It is a target defined as the waste management philosophy that includes the provision of recycling.

The disposal of wastes without being evaluated within the recycling and recovery period causes serious resource losses in terms of both material and energy.

While the population and life standards in the world are increasing, there is an inevitable increase in consumption. This situation increases the pressure on our natural resources and disrupts the balance of the world. Our limited resources cannot keep up with the increasing needs. Considering this situation, the efficient use of organic resources becomes even more important. For this reason, in recent years, zero waste implementation labor expenditures have become widespread both individually and institutionally, as well as throughout the municipality.

The advantages of taking the zero waste approach as a basis are;

❖ Increase in efficiency,

❖ Increase in performance due to clean environment,

❖ Reducing costs as waste is prevented,

❖ Ensuring the reduction of environmental risks,

❖ Ensuring that employees have a “sensitive consumer” feeling as they contribute to the development of environmental protection awareness within the company,

❖ Ensuring that the institution has the title of “Environmentalist” in national and international markets, thus increasing its reputation.


What are the benefits of Zero Waste approach? With the recovery of 1 Ton Paper; Cutting 17 trees is prevented, 177 kg less greenhouse gas emission occurs. 4100 Kwh of energy is saved, 28 cubic meters of water is saved. 2.5 cubic meters of storage space is saved.

What are the benefits of Zero Waste approach? With the recovery of 1 Ton Plastic; 5774 Kwh of energy is saved. 41 kg less greenhouse gas emission occurs. 23 cubic meters of storage space is saved. 16.3 barrels of oil are saved.

What are the benefits of Zero Waste approach? With the recovery of 1 Ton Glass; 42 Kwh of energy is saved. 30 kg less greenhouse gas emission occurs. 30% raw material savings are achieved. It saves 0.12 barrels of oil. 1.5 cubic meters of storage space is saved.

What are the benefits of Zero Waste approach? With the recovery of 1 ton of metal, 642 Kwh of energy is saved. 95 kg less greenhouse gas emission occurs. 3 cubic meters of storage space is saved. Savings from 1.8 barrels of oil.